Stainless Steel Rectagular Section Spring Washer A2 DIN 127B

M2.5 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M2.5 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152000

5595 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 999£0.31Inc. VAT
1000 - 4999£0.26Inc. VAT
5000 - 8999999£0.24Inc. VAT
9000000+£0.22Inc. VAT
M3 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M3 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152010

3396 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 999£0.31Inc. VAT
1000 - 4999£0.26Inc. VAT
5000 - 8999999£0.24Inc. VAT
9000000+£0.22Inc. VAT
M4 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M4 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152020

1338 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 999£0.43Inc. VAT
1000 - 4999£0.36Inc. VAT
5000 - 8999999£0.32Inc. VAT
9000000+£0.29Inc. VAT
M5 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M5 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152030

10861 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 999£0.60Inc. VAT
1000 - 4999£0.50Inc. VAT
5000 - 8999999£0.46Inc. VAT
9000000+£0.41Inc. VAT
M6 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M6 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152040

3554 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 999£1.07Inc. VAT
1000 - 4999£0.89Inc. VAT
5000 - 8999999£0.80Inc. VAT
9000000+£0.71Inc. VAT
M8 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M8 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152050

9708 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 999£1.81Inc. VAT
1000 - 4999£1.51Inc. VAT
5000 - 8999999£1.36Inc. VAT
9000000+£1.21Inc. VAT
M10 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M10 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152060

15164 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 499£2.76Inc. VAT
500 - 2499£2.30Inc. VAT
2500 - 8999999£2.08Inc. VAT
9000000+£1.85Inc. VAT
M12 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M12 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152070

9415 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 499£4.49Inc. VAT
500 - 2499£3.74Inc. VAT
2500 - 8999999£3.37Inc. VAT
9000000+£3.00Inc. VAT
M16 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M16 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152080

3792 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 499£10.10Inc. VAT
500 - 2499£8.42Inc. VAT
2500 - 8999999£7.58Inc. VAT
9000000+£6.74Inc. VAT
M20 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M20 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152090

76 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 499£16.10Inc. VAT
500 - 2499£13.42Inc. VAT
2500 - 8999999£12.07Inc. VAT
9000000+£10.73Inc. VAT
M24 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M24 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152100

1066 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 99£28.49Inc. VAT
100 - 499£23.74Inc. VAT
500 - 8999999£21.36Inc. VAT
9000000+£18.98Inc. VAT
M30 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M30 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152120

27 in stock
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 99£57.60Inc. VAT
100 - 499£48.00Inc. VAT
500 - 8999999£43.20Inc. VAT
9000000+£38.40Inc. VAT
M36 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B
M36 Rectangular Section Spring washer, Stainess Steel DIN 127B

SKU Number: 2152140

Available for backorder
Qty Price per 100 units
1 - 99£129.60Inc. VAT
100 - 499£108.00Inc. VAT
500 - 8999999£97.20Inc. VAT
9000000+£86.40Inc. VAT

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